Most pharmaceutical products require a temperature below 25°C, and when it exceeds, the damage can be catastrophic. While the normal HVAC system can solve this problem, it’s not completely reliable. There are times that a power outage can last for several days.
And that point, the best solution is to have a spot cooler to salvage the situation before it worsens. In Florida for instance, hurricane season has the highest rate of a power outage. But when you have this portable cooling appliance, there’s nothing to worry about.
Why Have a Spot Cooler in a Pharmacy
If you’re not convinced on the need to have a ready cooling solution at hand, then read on:
Extreme Temperature, The Major Culprit
There are times when the medicine turns out to be the problem instead of a solution. And that’s when heat strikes the pharmacy storage area. According to findings by the School of Pharmacy at Washington University, high temperatures can damage drugs.
And that’s when it’s beyond the specified limit on the prescription. In fact, the optimum temperature drugs can withstand is between 20 and 25°C. And when it reaches over 30°C, then they’re bound to lose potency.
Consequences of Heat Damage on Drugs in a Pharmacy
When the power outage strikes, the temperature in the storage rooms is bound to rise. The same is true when a heatwave strikes the entire region. And Florida being a warm region on average, heat waves are common.
When the temperature rises beyond the set limit for drugs, it causes a chemical change. And depending on how high the temperature is, the drug may lose its potency. If that happens, the health of the patients will be at risk.
For patients suffering from chronic illnesses such as cardiac arrest or diabetes, damaged drugs are life-threatening. And that’s not all, here are more examples of how heat damage is life-threatening:
- Topical drugs like hydrocortisone under unsafe temperatures lose potency and become useless
- Antibiotic decay as a result of extreme temperature has dire impacts on the kidney and stomach of the patient.
- Hormonal drugs are more susceptible to heat damage than any other drug in the pharmacy. And that’s because they’re high in proteins. And when protein is heated, its physical properties change.
Best Practices in a Pharmacy
Now that you know how dangerous heat it is to drugs, here are tips on how to prevent heat buildup.
- Ventilation is important
Proper ventilation in the facility can help keep the temperature low. Even so, the ventilation points must have a screen to keep bugs, birds, and varmints out.
- Air conditioning is vital
Installing an AC can be very expensive; however, you can get a spot cooler instead. They’re compact, portable, and more reliable even when power is out. With an AC, you don’t have to worry about air circulation fans or ventilation points.
- Circulation is a must
You may have to install a fan on the ceiling to improve air circulation and limit heat buildup. However, if the pharmacy room is smaller, then a standing fan will do.
Drugs or medication protection from unsafe temperature and humidity is essential. And not just to the pharmacy but to the patients using the drugs. Therefore, it’s important to employ effective solutions like a spot cooler to guarantee the safety of the users.
While buying and maintaining an AC can be tough for the business, renting one is a better solution. In that case, approach Cooling Power Corp for rental spot coolers. You’ll get a better deal and they’re responsive during emergencies.