Remodeling Your Home – Consider a Spot Cooler

Remodeling your home can be an exciting prospect, but it also demands a lot of patience and preparation to ensure a smooth process to satisfy your needs and desires. In addition to all the costs and overhead you need to consider, another element to keep in mind is adequate cooling for yourself and any workers you hire. Depending on when …

Importance of Power Backup For Data Centers

Having a reliable backup power system is essential for any large business, warehouse, or facility, and this is especially true for data centers. For businesses that rely on data processing to operate, even the shortest power outage can have disastrous consequences, making it paramount to have a backup system in place.  Data center redundancy helps protect businesses from lapses in …

Holiday Emergency Checklist

Every year seems to herald a winter storm stronger than the last, disrupting travel plans and holidaymakers while cutting off power to many homes and impacting everyone’s daily lives. While monstrous storms can be unpredictable and can happen when you least expect them, there are several ways you and your family can begin to prepare for an emergency.  Rather than …

AC vs Spot Coolers – Which Should You Choose

Throughout the year, one of the most important assets for any office building, warehouse, or facility is an effective air conditioning system to keep temperatures at a comfortable level. In most cases, these systems are working around the clock all season long until Autumn finally arrives and temperatures begin to drop. Depending on where you live, you may be using …

4 Ways To Improve Warehouse Air Quality

Maintaining good air quality throughout your warehouse is an important part of protecting the health and well-being of workers operating in your facilities. Not only can poor air quality negatively affect your staff’s ability to perform tasks, but it can impact your operating costs as well. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, …

Power Equipment Tips – Buying vs Renting

If you are stuck between buying power equipment—such as a power generator or transformer—and renting one, there are several factors to consider before you pick one option over the other. On one hand, if you anticipate a constant need, do not expect your usage capacity or needs to change much over time, and have the facilities and staff to operate …

Modern Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Many studies have linked poor air quality to respiratory issues and other illnesses. Indoor air quality has 2 to 5 times higher levels of pollutants than outdoor air, according to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). This makes indoor air a lot more harmful than outside air.  With that in mind, it is understandable to want to improve your building’s air …

How To Purify Air in Your Building

The benefits of clean air can never be overstated. Besides improving health, promoting creativity, and boosting performance, clean air has several benefits that can steer the outcome of your workforce in an ideal direction. The air inside your office building can be two to five times more polluted than the air outside, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA. …

How Portable AC is Installed

A portable air conditioner is the best option when it comes to cooling solutions. It can provide better air quality and reduce the humidity of a room, making your work space less damp. High humidity is not good for your health, as it can cause dehydration, and increase the risk of heat stroke.  An air conditioner can also be a …

Tips For Building A Power Backup Plan

While everyone loves the idea of uninterrupted power, the reality can be very different from our expectations. This is especially true for some parts of the country where storms and other natural disasters have been known to disrupt power supply for hours or even days at an end. Furthermore, your business is also prone to emergencies, planned outages and manual …