The Importance Of A Data Center Cooling Plan

A spot cooler isn’t just a temporary fix for data centers. Even if your data center is attached to the building’s central AC system, spot coolers offer a lot of long-term benefits and can be used on a regular basis. Data center rooms are notorious for overheating. When temperatures creep up too high, equipment is at risk of breaking down …

Generator Transfer Switch Options: Manual Vs. Automatic

When a power outage strikes, you never know how long it’ll be until the power comes back on. That’s why a generator with an automatic transfer switch is ideal, keeping your business going no matter what. Optional standby systems, also known as “back-up generators,” are installed to provide a secondary source of electricity during power outages. A large back up …

The Most Common Causes of Server Room Fires Might Surprise You

According to the National Fire Protection Association, every year between 2006 and 2010 there were approximately 209 structural fires that originated in electronic equipment rooms, such as server rooms, reported in the US. The estimated breakdown of costs per year to pay for these damages is in the millions, $11.9 million to be exact. Insurance may cover damages, but not …

How Much Can HEPA-Filtered Negative Air Machines Improve Air Quality?

Negative air machines can greatly improve indoor air quality, but only HEPA filters are acknowledged as effective by health professionals, the CDC, USEPA and other government and environmental protection agencies.  HEPA-filters capture invisible particles and spores that could otherwise make you sick. Hence why HEPA-filters are used in medical centers, Atomic research centers, manufacturing facilities, hospitals and even nuclear power …

South Florida Business Disaster Plan: 5 Questions to Help You Find the Right Backup Generator

Every South Florida business needs an emergency preparedness plan, and that includes access to the right backup generator to keep your business running during hurricanes or other emergencies.  Contingency Planning for Florida’s Upcoming Storm Season If you’ve ever tried to order a generator after hurricane warnings go into effect, you know how quickly generators fly off the shelves. Not to …

6 Tips For Server Room Fire Suppression

Your server room equipment is expensive and loaded with valuable and p potentially irreplaceable data. The best way to protect your server room is to have the appropriate cooling measures installed. Your server room temperature should not fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and should not go over 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The best temperatures are between 68 and 71 degrees.  Servers …

5 Ways To Protect Your Business In A Power Outage

A large enough storm or hurricane can easily knock South Florida businesses off the power grid. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do today that’ll help protect your business in a power outage. Power outages happen all of the time. In fact, there are 6 times the number of power outages today than there were 15 years …

How Much Power Does The Average Tent Wedding Require?

Every tent wedding requires a different amount of power depending on things like lighting, DJ sound equipment, and smaller details like food warmers and coffee makers. All tent weddings need a pull-behind multi-circuit inverter generator. This type of generator offers at least 8-10 hours of juice before it needs to be refueled. You should never try and use a non-inverter …